Verispy review – Investigate People

    Posted July 8, 2015 by in Other


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    What We Liked:

    The platform is easy to use and interact with , You can also make the check by License plate number, which is an unparalleled of verispy , The system specializes in criminal background, felonies background and law infractions background , The system offers three plans of membership and a 7 days free trial which turns to a monthly membership if not cancelled , The system keeps your information confidential and it protects your privacy .

    What We Disliked:

    The Verispy service is available only inside USA
    Conclusion offers a very reliable platform of investigation. When you need to make a background check about someone you have to go online and find the URL then try to enter the names and select the supposed location of the person you need to investigate or lookup. The system offers another unique option which is lookup about persons using the license plate number. The reports include criminal background, felonies and law infractions. The system connects to a large database of records that are up dated on regular basis. The company offers three plans of membership at different prices and a7 days trial membership that passes to monthly paid membership if not canceled. Reports are full featured for all users at every membership plan. The difference is the period of time that the account is active and the number of investigation that the users can perform. The monthly paid plan is active for a month with unlimited lookups; the weekly account is unlimited for a week. The single investigation plan is full featured but allows one single lookup. The system is very secure and has the priority of protecting the privacy of its users. The service is very advanced and can provide with sensitive data without notifying the target to preserve the privacy of the investigator. This service is legit and it is not a SCAM because some famous Companies and Agencies resort to it when it is about conducting a background check about someone. is available in mobile version and you can access the service from your iPhone or tablets. There are some points that the company staff should review: 1)They rely on the internet as source of data; this can cause lack of accuracy because internet is not the best source of records since people usually do not share their realities, 2) Services are available only within the United States of America, this can prevent the use of this very sophisticated system outside the USA and lose the international market.

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    by anne
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    Verispy review – Investigate People

    Verispy review


    o you need to know the truth about what a certain guy is telling you about himself? Are you General Manager of a Company and you need to check the background of your employees? Are you worrying about the neighborhood and you need to know some data about the closest one? In the past, issues like these were a real pain to resolve.  Lies can be everywhere and the last thing you need is to have someone with criminal background or a “wanted” person in your house. It is dangerous to live in a doubtful neighborhood because you may be implicated in some illegal activities or simply frequently arrested for suspicion. Because it is delicate to check the every details of someone background, you need to invest time and effort to get through the tasks, or simply huge money to pay investigation bureaus to do the checking for you. It is somehow interesting to settle these matters to gain insurance and a peaceful life.

    Verispy reviews show that the company specializes in people investigating service

    Hiring professional investigator is one good alternative, but resorting to is nowadays the best solution. is the online platform of the Verispy Company. Found at the URL, the online based company has the most developed and the most reliable investigation service. it offers you the most up to date data about anyone you need to investigate. It connects to a very big database of people records. Your inquiries about people are fulfilled by reports about almost every pertinent aspects of their life: how many time they went to jail, how many crime have they committed and so many other sensitive information besides their coordinates and classical background.  when you need to use this service, it is common that you ask yourself about people privacy as you are worried about yours. Is Verispy legit? is Verispy a SCAM? Does it really provide reliable reports? Well, this review will try to uncover the reality about this service and try to answer these questions.



    What is Verispy?

    What is Verispy?Verispy reviews show that the company specializes in people investigating service. It does not replace investigation bureaus that you may resort to when you need to investigate about somebody’s background or you need to find the identity of phone callers, but it is an online version of the service. They claim that they can provide you with the reports as complete as possible about anyone through the country. Verispy review reveals a well designed website with a form at the top of the main page. The form contains some fields to complete in order to make a look up request. You can type in any relevant data to and you can choose state to lookup in or just lookup over the whole country.

    The reports that you would receive concerns various aspects of background and life tracks of people you may need to investigate because they are:

    • In the neighborhood and you need to know if they are ok and you can get along with them.
    • Telling you things about themselves and you have the curiosity to find out the reality.
    • Have provoked some suspicions about themselves and you need to make sure about their reality.

    Of course these not the only reasons you may need to investigate about people, if we add that you may feel threatened by them and you do feel uneasy at their presence or when they are around. Yu may also have the simple purpose of finding someone that means something to you, an old friend, someone to who you still owe something and you need to repay your debts to him. Some people are just looking for their siblings and they need to reunite families, or know where they come from and trace the way of their near ancestors.

    Some companies may use this service to confirm the information provided by employees and new recruits.

    Verispy reviews show that the company seems to be specialized in providing reports about sensitive data like criminal background; if the person is registered as criminal for being in jail several times, court background; when the subject has been charged for some affairs, whether declared guilty or not guilty, marital background if it is about how many time he got married and divorced, how many times he was arrested. These data can be valuable if you are going to sign a partnership with someone and you need to know about him more than what he is saying.

    1434950015986The service is so far from being a spy service. Verispy reviews state that it holds any responsibility for the usage of the investigations or lookup reports, but they do advise users to use the reports RESPONSIBLY not to offend people privacy.

    Verispy review reveals a straight privacy policy applied by the company. When you use the service, you are guaranteed an anonymous and stealth lookup and the person won’t be notified of your investigation.

    Verispy reviews determine that the company offers three plans of membership at appropriate fees:

    • Unlimited membership for a month: this membership gives you access to all features of the service and allows to obtain full and complete reports as result of your investigation. This plan charges $29.95/per month
    • Unlimited membership for a week: this membership is set to one week from registration and gives you complete access to the website features. It costs $25.95
    • The single lookup: it allows only one operation up on payment of $19.95.

    Besides, there are 7 days trial plan at $4.75 and additional $19.95 the next month if you opt for the service.

    Verispy review tells about a very specific service provided by this company. it is the ability to investigate persons through their license plate number. this particular service is called Verispy license plate lookup. It allows you to find information about the car owner. the reports will be as complete as possible and they will contain every detail found in the databases. It is amazing that the service is able to investigate and provide reports as complete as possible using any data you can find about the person you want to perform a background check. Verispy review claims that Verispy license plate lookup is an official service of investigating.

    How does the system work?

    How does the system work?Verispy reviews indicate that you need to choose your membership plan before you proceed. The system offers three plans: plan that you pay monthly, plan that you pay weekly and a plan that you pay per operation of lookup. The interface of the website is very easy to interact with and that makes it very attractive.

    The company connects to a very large database of records and to a very reliable network of information. There can be websites through registration forms and any others party that collects information about people. The reports provided by the service are complete and include felonies and law infractions. Through its nationwide network, is collecting any records about everyone. The records are then sorted and stored in the database for future. The records are accessible to anyone who uses the service and has real concern and real arguments to use this service.

    Verispy reviews agree that the reports supplied by the are the most complete you ever find on the web. They really provide you with the most complete background reports a professional investigation bureau could provide. Besides names and addresses, the complete and reliable criminal, felonies and law infractions background reports the system provide are unparalleled. They are able to provide dates, locations and durations of any arrest the person has been through and even data about the charges.

    Truth about Verispy?

    Verispy reviews state that the system works perfectly and it provides detailed reports about persons’ backgrounds.  There are some famous companies which rely on the Verispy services and they are full satisfied with the results. Among these companies, there are CNN, FOX News, FOX business, MSNBC and CBS. The use of these great names of the Verispy service confirms that the service is working perfectly and all the users are satisfied, and that the service is a reality and not a SCAM. Versipy SCAM can only be a rumor spread by competitors in an unfair competition. The number of great brands that use the Verispy platform for investigating and checking people backgrounds provides the answer to the question “Is verispy legit?”, and the answer is “YES it is”.

    Truth about Verispy?


    Verispy Pros:

    Verispy Pros:Verispy reviews allow to list the advantages of and why its services are the best among the background checking reports providers.

    The platform is easy to use and interact with. It offers the options of lookup by person, it means you enter names of the person, then choose the search location then you will get the most detailed background report you ever had about someone.

    You can also make the check by License plate number, which is an unparalleled of verispy. The report is also the most detailed you can obtain even if you hire a professional investigation bureau.

    The system specializes in criminal background, felonies background and law infractions background. This can be very useful when you need to confirm suspicions about someone in your neighborhood who can be threat to you, your family or someone you need to add to your staff and to make sure he is not going to ruin  your business.

    The system offers three plans of membership and a 7 days free trial which turns to a monthly membership if not cancelled.

    The System is available on mobile and therefore accessible to anyone who need to investigate which makes data collection more extended and the reputation of the service improved.

    The system keeps your information confidential and it protects your privacy. If you perform a lookup of any kind, your operation is not notified to your target. The platform is very secure and the information you enter are protected. 

    Verispy Pros:


    Verispy Cons:

    The Verispy service is available only inside USA. This can be a restriction for the reputation of the service. Among the sources of records collected by the Verispy com, Internet occupies a good place, but it is the reason why some data won’t be so accurate, because people have tendencies to provide false data about themselves for privacy concerns.

    Conclusion offers a very reliable platform of investigation. When you need to make a background check about someone you have to go online and find the URL then try to enter the names and select the supposed location of the person you need to investigate or lookup. The system offers another unique option which is lookup about persons using the license plate number. The reports include criminal background, felonies and law infractions. The system connects to a large database of records that are up dated on regular basis. The company offers three plans of membership at different prices and a7 days trial membership that passes to monthly paid membership if not canceled. Reports are full featured for all users at every membership plan. The difference is the period of time that the account is active and the number of investigation that the users can perform. The monthly paid plan is active for a month with unlimited lookups; the weekly account is unlimited for a week. The single investigation plan is full featured but allows one single lookup. The system is very secure and has the priority of protecting the privacy of its users. The service is very advanced and can provide with sensitive data without notifying the target to preserve the privacy of the investigator. This service is legit and it is not a SCAM because some famous Companies and Agencies resort to it when it is about conducting a background check about someone. is available in mobile version and you can access the service from your iPhone or tablets. There are some points that the company staff should review: 1)They rely on the internet as source of data; this can cause lack of accuracy because internet is not the best source of records since people usually do not share their realities, 2) Services are available only within the United States of America, this can prevent the use of this very sophisticated system outside the USA and lose the international market.

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